
Posted on September 20, 2017

Previously we introduced FRP and the reflex library, and now we’re going to take a look at the first of the main types that is used in these kinds of systems.

What is an Event?

An Event is used to represent something that has values of a particular type at various instants of time.

An Event in reflex looks like this:

data Event t a

and we can think of it as being a bit like a list of pairs of times and values:

[(t, a)] 

where the time is always increasing.

(We will ignore the t parameter for quite a while, but it is for keeping track of which “timeline” we are working in)

If we have a button on a webpage, we’ll likely have

eClicked :: Event t ()

which will fire every time the button is pressed.

Similarly we could have

eChanged :: Event t Text

giving us the current value of a text input every time it is altered.

In both cases we have a single Event, but it could fire many times. This is likely to be pretty different to what you are used to if you are use to an event-handling system where you need to poll for new events, or where you have to set up or otherwise deal with an event loop.

These points in time aren’t measured in sections, but in actions. If an externally triggered Event happens, a new logical point in time is created for that Event, and no other externally triggered Events will be firing at that point in time.

These are the observable points of time of the system. In reflex these are often referred to as frames. The documentation around the sodium library sometimes refers to them as transactions.

If you’re familiar with “event sourcing”, this linearization of event occurrences might seem familiar.

We can have multiple Events happening in the same frame though, although only one of them will be happening due to something external to the system.

The simplest way that we can set up a derived Event is by defining a new Event based on another:

eOutput :: Event t Colour
eOutput = eInput

We often refer to the combination of Events and Behaviors as an FRP network, and this is about as simple as an FRP network gets.

(The simplest FRP network would probably just be never, which is the Event that never fires, but we don’t need that just yet)

In this case, the only externally triggered Events are the button presses:
We can bring a timer into play, and since the timeout Events are triggered from outside of the FRP network we can see that the timeout and button press Events never occur in the same frame:

Building Events

We can create derived Events in more exciting ways than just defining new Events to be equal to existing Events.

There is Functor instance for Events:

instance Reflex t => Functor (Event t) where ...

We can define a simple function on Colours:

flipColour :: Colour -> Colour
flipColour Red  = Blue
flipColour Blue = Red

and use that to write our first interesting FRP network:

eOutput :: Event t Colour
eOutput = flipColour <$> eInput

There is flipped version of fmap in reflex, called ffor:

eOutput :: Event t Colour
eOutput = ffor eInput flipColour

which is often used with the LambdaCase language extension:

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
eOutput :: Event t Colour
eOutput = ffor eInput $ \case
            Red -> Blue
            Blue -> Red

which you might prefer.

We’ll see <$ used often in FRP:

(<$) :: Functor f => a -> f b -> f a

to map a constant value across a Functor.

In the case of Events, it is like we are borrowing the points of time from the [(t, b)] interpretation, and then replacing all of the values of b with a constant value of type a.

In this case, we’ll paint the world blue:

eOutput :: Event t Colour
eOutput = Blue <$ eInput

Sometimes we want an Event which is like another Event but only fires when certain conditions hold.

We can create an Event which fires in some of the frames that another Event is firing in.

The simplest way to do that is using ffilter:

ffilter :: Reflex t
        => (a -> Bool) 
        -> Event t a 
        -> Event t a

We can write a simple predicate:

isRed :: Colour -> Bool
isRed Red  = True
isRed Blue = False

and test it out:

eOutput :: Event t Colour
eOutput = ffilter isRed eInput

If we want to do some kind of transformation of an Event while filtering values, we can use fmapMaybe:

fmapMaybe :: Reflex t 
          => (a -> Maybe b) 
          -> Event t a 
          -> Event t b

Here we’ll write a dodgy parser:

parseColour :: Text -> Maybe Colour
parseColour "Red"  = Just Red
parseColour "Blue" = Just Blue
parseColour _      = Nothing

and test it out:

eOutput :: Event t Colour
eOutput = fmapMaybe parseColour eInput

A handy trick is that you can use fmapMaybe id to filter out any Nothing values from a Event t (Maybe a):

fmapMaybe id :: Reflex t 
             => Event t (Maybe a) 
             -> Event t a

We can also split out each side of an Either value:

fanEither :: Reflex t 
          => Event t (Either a b) 
          -> (Event t a, Event t b)

I’m stretching a bit for good colour based examples:

splitColour :: Colour -> Either () ()
splitColour Red  = Left ()
splitColour Blue = Right ()

but am happy to make do with what I have:

eLeft, eRight :: Event t ()
(eLeft, eRight) = fanEither (splitColour <$> eInput)

We can use fmapMaybe or fanEither to split apart our sum types and deal with each of the cases, which can be very useful.

There are some other tools in reflex for efficiently working with larger sum types that we’ll cover later on, but we don’t have to worry about them just yet.

When Events collide

We’ve already seen that we can create Events that might be occurring in the same frame as other Events

That means when we want to work with multiple Events, we need to be able to handle the case where several of the Events are firing in the same frame.

We’re going to explore that by working on something that you might have come across this before as part of the game (or programming problem) known as FizzBuzz. If you haven’t come across it before then it is worth taking a look before we continue.

Assume we have access to

eCount :: Event t Int

which is increasing over time, and we have these functions lying around:

div3 :: Int -> Bool
div3 x = 
  x `mod` 3 == 0

div5 :: Int -> Bool
div5 x = 
  x `mod` 5 == 0


eFizz :: Event t Text
eFizz = "Fizz" <$ ffilter div3 eCount


eBuzz :: Event t Text
eBuzz = "Buzz" <$ ffilter div5 eCount

will occasionally collide.

You can see that if you bump eCount up far enough:

What can we do about the collisions?

The simplest thing that we can do is to use the leftmost function to assign priorities to Events in the case that they fire simultaneously:

leftmost :: [Event t a] -> Event t a

When multiple Events in the list are firing in the same frame, the output of the leftmost function will fire using the Event nearest to the start of the list.

We can see an example of that when we introduce eLeft:

eLeft :: Event t Text
eLeft = leftmost [eFizz, eBuzz]

If we bump the counter to 3 then eFizz will fire with the value “Fizz” and so will eLeft. If we bump the counter to 5 then eBuzz will fire with the value “Buzz” and so will eLeft.

If we bump the counter to 15, then what will happen?

The eFizz Event will fire with the value “Fizz” and the eBuzz Event will fire with the value “Buzz”.

As a result eLeft will fire with the value “Fizz”, since eFizz was closer to the left of the list that was passed to leftmost than eBuzz.

It isn’t what we’re looking for right now, but it’s worth pointing out that we’ve already been using leftmost in some of our earlier examples. When we’ve seen eInput before it has been built from Events that fire when the “Red” and “Blue” buttons are pressed using leftmost:

eInput = leftmost [Red <$ eRed, Blue <$ eBlue]

For the “FizzBuzz” collisions we need something a bit more flexible. The mergeWith function:

mergeWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> [Event t a] -> Event t a

is what we need.

It lets us specify a function to use to combine the values from Events which are firing simultaneously. The combination is effectively a foldl1 over the Events which are firing.

We will use (<>) to concatentate the Text in the Events:

eMerge :: Event t Text
eMerge = mergeWith (<>) [eFizz, eBuzz]
and that seems to work for us when the Events collide:

We can be more concise than that, as reflex adds a lot of useful typeclass instances for us.

This instance:

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Event t a) where ...

can be used to simplify eMerge:

eMerge :: Event t Text
eMerge = eFizz <> eBuzz

with no change to the meaning of our program.

We still need to print the numbers if we don’t have a “Fizz” or a “Buzz”, but we have the tools to fix that now. We are making a prioritized choice between the Event with the word outputs and the Event with the number outputs:

eMerge :: Event t Text
eMerge = eFizz <> eBuzz

eCountText :: Event t Text
eCountText = (Text.pack . show) <$> eCount

eFizzBuzz :: Event t Text
eFizzBuzz = leftmost [eMerge , eCountText]

and that solves the “FizzBuzz” problem.

If we want to remove some simultaneously occurring Events, we can do so with difference:

difference :: Event t a -> Event t b -> Event t a

The output is the same as the first input Event, except firing of the Event are suppressed in all of the frames in which the second Event fires.

We need a more contrived solution to the “FizzBuzz” problem in order to demonstrate it:

eMerge :: Event t Text
eMerge = eFizz <> eBuzz

eCountText :: Event t Text
eCountText = (Text.pack . show) <$> eCount

eDiff :: Event t Text
eDiff = difference eCountText eMerge

eFizzBuzz :: Event t Text
eFizzBuzz = leftmost [eDiff, eMerge]

The advantages of semantics-driven abstractions

Why did reflex bother specifying how to deal with simultaneous Events? They did because it followed from the semantics.

Not everyone does things this way.

The Manning book on FRP uses something like this snippet of RxJS to demonstrate the problem.

var button = document.getElementById("rxjs-button");
var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, "click");

var ones = clicks.scan(count => count + 1, 0);

var hundreds = { return x * 100; });

var sum = ones.combineLatest(hundreds, function(o, h) {
    return o + h; 

sum.subscribe(function(s) { alert(s); });

We want to increase a counter whenever a button is pressed. We’ll also multiply the click count Event, and then add those two Events together.

Let’s see how that goes, by clicking this two or three times:

Whoops! We’re seeing intermediate state - something referred to as “glitching” - where we didn’t expect it.

The equivalent reflex code looks like this:

  button <- getElementById "reflex-button"
  eClick <- domEvent Click button

  eOnes <- accum (+) 0 (1 <$ eClick)

  let eHundreds = (* 100) <$> eOnes

  let eSum = mergeWith (+) [eOnes, eHundreds]

  alertEvent show eSum

although it is using some things we haven’t introduced yet.

It behaves as we would expect:

There may be ways to patch up the RxJS code, and maybe they have already happened. The RxJS library isn’t designed starting with semantics though, and so the risk is that there are more glitches waiting to be found, and that patching could go on for a long time.

Playing along at home

If you want to test out your understanding of Events, there is an Event-themed exercise here.

The goal is to introduce the problem that we’ll be iterating on throughout the exercises in this series - building up a HTML vending machine. It doesn’t use everything in this post, but it should be a good bite-sized piece to get you warmed up for the exercises that will follow.

Next up

Events are only half of the FRP picture.

In the next post we’ll look at their partner - Behaviors.

We’re preparing educational materials about the reflex library, and using it to see what exciting things we can do with FRP.

> Dave Laing

Dave is a programmer working at the Queensland Functional Programming Lab.