
Posted on September 29, 2017

Previously we looked at how to use reflex-dom to put DOM elements on a page. Now we’re going to look at how to modify our FRP network in response to user input.

What is switching?

Everything we’ve done so far has involved building up an FRP network that is static. The graph of dependencies between Events, Behaviors and Dynamics is set up in a particular configuration and it stays in that configuration for the lifetime of the application. The same is true of our DOM elements - once we have laid them out on the page, they are there forever.

Sometimes we will want to modify the FRP network or the DOM in response to Events, and that is what the various switching functions do.

There are two kinds of switching functions available to us:

  • functions that modify the FRP network in response to input
  • functions that modify the DOM in response to input

We’ll cover these one at a time.

Higher-order FRP

When we want to modify an FRP network, we do it using higher-order FRP.

We’ve probably seen higher-order functions, which is where function which take functions as arguments, like:

map   :: (a -> b) 
      -> [a] 
      -> [b]


foldr :: (a -> b -> b) 
      -> b 
      -> [a] 
      -> b

Higher-order FRP involves an FRP type - one of Event, Behavior or Dynamic - which contains another FRP type.

Some examples turn up due to the fact that Behavior and Dynamic have Monad instances, giving rise to:

join :: Reflex t 
     => Behavior t (Behavior t a) 
     -> Behavior t a


join :: Reflex t 
     => Dynamic  t (Dynamic  t a) 
     -> Dynamic  t a

There are other functions provided by reflex that enable higher-order FRP, including:

switch     :: Reflex t
           => Behavior t (Event t    a)
           ->             Event t    a

switcher   :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
           =>             Behavior t a
           -> Event t    (Behavior t a)
           -> m          (Behavior t a)

switchHold :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
           =>             Event t    a
           -> Event t    (Event t    a)
           -> m          (Event t    a)

It can be handy to think of a railroad switch while you’re getting use to these methods.

We’ll focus on switch for a while to motivate higher-order FRP:

switch        :: Reflex t 
              => Behavior t (Event t    a)
              ->             Event t    a

We can view a Behavior t (Event t a) as an Event t a which is varying over time. There could be multiple sources of these Events, and the Behavior is being used to track which Event should be used at any given moment in time. Since Behaviors have values at all points in time, that means there is always an Event which is selected. The switch function is giving us access to the Event that is selected by the Behavior.

This time, we’re going to look at the example before we look at the code:

Have a click around until you’re comfortable that you know what is going on.

We’re going to zoom in on the function that creates the Event that is used as the input to the counter on the left-hand side.

It takes in an Event for the “Add” button and both “Select” buttons.

We’re going to create a Behavior t (Event t ()) so that we can use switch to get the Event that we want out of this:

leftInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
leftInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR = do
  -- beAddL :: Behavior t (Event t ())
  beAddL <- _
  pure (switch beAddL)

We build up our Behavior using hold:

leftInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
leftInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR = do
  -- beAddL :: Behavior t (Event t ())
  beAddL <- hold _initial _change
  pure (switch beAddL)

which you might recall has this type signature:

hold :: MonadHold t m
     => a
     -> Event t a
     -> m (Behavior t a)

Since we’re calling switch like we get an Event t () out of it, this leads to a ~ Event t () in the above, which translates to:

hold :: MonadHold t m
     => Event t ()
     -> Event t (Event t ())
     -> m (Behavior t (Event t ()))

for this particular use of hold.

We’ll make a note of that:

leftInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
leftInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR = do
  -- beAddL   :: Behavior t (Event t ())
  -- _initial :: Event    t ()
  -- _change  :: Event    t (Event t ())
  beAddL <- hold _initial _event
  pure (switch beAddL)

The “Add” button starts off being routed to the left input, so we’ll use that as our initial value for our Behavior:

leftInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
leftInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR = do
  -- beAddL  :: Behavior t (Event t ())
  -- _change :: Event    t (Event t ())
  beAddL <- hold eAdd _change
  pure (switch beAddL)

The Behavior is going to be changed whenever either of the “Select” buttons is pressed. We use leftmost and the Events coming from the “Select” buttons to start building up the other input to hold. This leaves us with two things to fill in, but we know their types:

leftInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
leftInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR = do
  -- beAddL       :: Behavior t (Event t ())
  -- _changeLeft  :: Event    t ()
  -- _changeRight :: Event    t ()
  beAddL <- hold eAdd . leftmost $ [
              _changeLeft  <$ eSwitchL
            , _changeRight <$ eSwitchR
  pure (switch beAddL)

We also know that we want the input from the “Add” button to flow through to the output when the output on the left-hand side is selected, and that we want no input to flow through to the output when the output on the right-hand side is selected. We have those things at hand:

leftInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
leftInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR = do
  beAddL <- hold eAdd . leftmost $ [
              eAdd  <$ eSwitchL
            , never <$ eSwitchR
  pure (switch beAddL)

and we are done.

Switching the “Add” clicks towards the output on the right-hand side is very similar:

rightInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
rightInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR = do
  -- beAddR :: Behavior t (Event t ())
  beAddR <- hold never . leftmost $ [
              eAdd  <$ eSwitchR
            , never <$ eSwitchL
  pure (switch beAddR)

We can do this a little more directly using switchHold:

switchHold :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
           =>             Event t    a
           -> Event t    (Event t    a)
           -> m          (Event t    a)

The first argument is the initial Event to use as the output. The second argument consists of an outer Event and an inner Event. The outer Event fires to indicate that the output should switch. It switches to the value of the inner Event until such time that the outer Event fires again.

This results in:

leftInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
leftInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR =
  switchHold eAdd . leftmost $ [
    eAdd  <$ eSwitchL
  , never <$ eSwitchR


rightInput :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m) 
          => Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> Event t () 
          -> m (Event t ())
rightInput eAdd eSwitchL eSwitchR =
  switchHold never . leftmost $ [
    eAdd  <$ eSwitchR
  , never <$ eSwitchL
The resulting widget still behaves the same way:

If you’ve been paying close attention, you might be wondering if we could have just used gate or ffilter to do something like this. For this example, you certainly could.

The benefits of modifying the FRP network start to come into play once pieces of your network start to consume significant amounts of processing time or memory. In those cases, you can use switching to only add those pieces to your FRP network when you need them and to remove them once you no longer need them.

If some piece of the network becomes entirely disconnected from the rest of the network then it is eligible for garbage collection, and so you’ll be able to reclaim the memory it was using and rest easy knowing that it isn’t hanging around and using up your processing time.

Dynamic modifications to the DOM

Imagine that we have three widgets that all return an Event t Text.

We have a text widget which fires its Event when the user types:
a button widget which fires its Event when the user clicks the buttton:
and a tick widget with fires its Event every second and doesn’t care about the user at all:

We’d like to switch between displaying these widgets and collect the Event t Text from whichever widget is being displayed.

Faking it by hiding elements

Imagine that we are very keen on premature optimization, and we know that modifying the structure of the DOM is slow but modifying attributes on the DOM is fast.

We could solve this problem by hiding elements and gating their outputs based on whether or not they are displayed.

We start by putting a button on the page:

hideWidget :: MonadWidget t m 
           => m ()
hideWidget = el "div" $ do
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

and we track how many times it has been toggled:

  dToggle <- toggle True eSwitch

This is using a handy helper function from reflex in passing:

toggle :: MonadHold t m 
       => Bool 
       -> Event a 
       -> m (Dynamic Bool)

to toggle a Bool when an Event fires.

We also set up a Dynamic with the negation of that Bool, because it will be handy in a moment:

    dNotToggle = not <$> dToggle

We write a helper function to toggle the “hidden” attribute based on a Bool:

    mkHidden False = "hidden" =: ""
    mkHidden True  = mempty

which we use to create a pair of Dynamic attribute maps:

    dHide1 = mkHidden <$>    dToggle
    dHide2 = mkHidden <$> dNotToggle

Now we can wrap our widgets in divs that will be hidden or shown based on how many times the button has been pressed:

  eText1 <- elDynAttr "div" dHide1

  eText2 <- elDynAttr "div" dHide2

We need to gate the outputs so that only Events from the currently displayed widget flow through:

    eText =
      leftmost [
          gate (current    dToggle) eText1
        , gate (current dNotToggle) eText2

That output gets turned into a Dynamic so that we can display it, which we clear whenever the “Switch” button is pressed:

  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

after which we put it on the page:

  el "div" $
    dynText dText

Here it is in one piece:

hideWidget :: MonadWidget t m 
           => m ()
hideWidget = el "div" $ do
  -- Set up a button to switch between inputs
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

  -- Toggle a `Bool` when the button is pressed
  dToggle <- toggle True eSwitch

    -- Track the opposite state as well
    dNotToggle = not <$> dToggle

    -- Hide elements based on a `Bool`
    mkHidden False = "hidden" =: ""
    mkHidden True  = mempty

    -- Build a Dynamic class based on how 
    -- many times "Switch" has been pressed
    dHide1 = mkHidden <$>    dToggle
    dHide2 = mkHidden <$> dNotToggle

  -- Show the text widget for an even number of presses
  eText1 <- elDynAttr "div" dHide1

  -- Show the text widget for an odd number of presses
  eText2 <- elDynAttr "div" dHide2

    -- Gate the outputs from the widget so that they don't step on each other
    eText =
      leftmost [
          gate (current    dToggle) eText1
        , gate (current dNotToggle) eText2

  -- Clear the output when switching occurs
  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

  -- Display the output 
  el "div" $
    dynText dText
If we click around with this:

we’ll see that we’re definitely not adding or removing elements from the DOM, because the state of the text input is being maintained across clicks of the “Switch” button.

This is even more pronounced if we use the timer widget in place of the button widget:

Switching out elements

If want to have freshly laid out widgets every time we click the “Switch” button, we need some new functions.

The first of these is widgetHold:

-- The constraint is actually `DomBuilder t m`, but these are the constraints that
-- a) are implied by `DomBuilder t m`, and
-- b) are used by `widgetHold`
widgetHold :: (Reflex t, Monad m, MonadAdjust t m) 
           =>               m a 
           ->    Event   t (m a) 
           -> m (Dynamic t    a)

The first argument is the initial widget to lay out on the page. The second argument is an Event with the next widget to lay out on the page as its value. The values that these widgets return are collected into a Dynamic. We’ll see why you would want this in a moment.

The MonadAdjust typeclass is present here so that we can replace pieces of the FRP network.

You might wonder how we managed without this for the switching functions at the beginning of this post. If we think of an FRP network as a graph, the earlier switch function were moving edges around between nodes. We could completely remove a piece of the graph - with help from the garbage collector - if nothing is connected to it and if we know that nothing will ever be connected to it again, but that is the only way we could effect the nodes via switching. For all other cases where we want to add or remove nodes, we need the MonadAdjust typeclass to place and connect new nodes when certain Events fire.

In the same way that we have never for when we need an Event which doesn’t fire, we have blank for when we need a widget that doesn’t display on the page. Sometimes that is useful as an initial value for widgetHold, but not always.

With all of that out of the way, let us have a look at how we might use widgetHold.

We start with the same button and toggling Dynamic that we used for hideWidget:

holdWidget :: MonadWidget t m 
           => m ()
holdWidget = el "div" $ do
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

  dToggle <- toggle True eSwitch

To use widgetHold we’re going to need Events that trigger when we want to change widgets, so we set some up:

    eShow1  = ffilter id  . updated $ dToggle
    eShow2  = ffilter not . updated $ dToggle

Now that we have the pieces in place, we use widgetHold to put textWidget on the page, and to switch between the two widgets depending on how many times the “Switch” button has been pressed:

  deText <- widgetHold textWidget . leftmost $ [
      textWidget   <$ eShow1
    , buttonWidget <$ eShow2

This gives us a Dynamic t (Event t Text), and we want an Event t Text.

There is a function with this signature:

switchDyn :: Dynamic t (Event t a)
          -> Event t a

In our case, we use it to pull out an Event t Text:

    eText = switchDyn deText

At that point we have what we need to display the output on the page as before:

  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

  el "div" $
    dynText dText

All together it looks like:

holdWidget :: MonadWidget t m 
           => m ()
holdWidget = el "div" $ do
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

  dToggle <- toggle True eSwitch

    -- This will fire when `dToggle` changes to `True`
    eShow1  = ffilter id  . updated $ dToggle
    -- This will fire when `dToggle` changes to `False`
    eShow2  = ffilter not . updated $ dToggle

  -- Builds up a `Dynamic t (Event t Text)`
  -- Starts with `textWidget`
  deText <- widgetHold textWidget . leftmost $ [
      -- Switch to `textWidget` when `dToggle` change to `True`
      textWidget   <$ eShow1
      -- Switch to `buttonWidget` when `dToggle` change to `False`
    , buttonWidget <$ eShow2

    -- Collapse the `Dynamic t (Event t Text)` to an `Event t Text`
    eText = switchDyn deText

  -- Clear the output when switching occurs
  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

  -- Display the output
  el "div" $
    dynText dText
We can see that we are getting freshly laid out DOM elements every time we press “Switch” by playing with this:
and with this:

These are small examples, but the idea gets more useful as you do more adventurous things.

If we don’t know what we want to use as an initial value for widgetHold, we can use dyn:

dyn        :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) 
           =>    Dynamic t (m a) 
           -> m (Event   t    a)

although widgetHold is probably a better bet if you have a choice between the two.

To use it, we would start with something that should look very familiar:

dynWidget :: MonadWidget t m 
           => m ()
dynWidget = el "div" $ do
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

  dToggle <- toggle True eSwitch

    eShow1  = ffilter id  . updated $ dToggle
    eShow2  = ffilter not . updated $ dToggle

We’ll build a Dynamic of widgets that return Event t Text:

  dWidget <- holdDyn textWidget . leftmost $ [
      textWidget   <$ eShow1
    , buttonWidget <$ eShow2

and we’ll use dyn to collect the outptuts into an Event t (Event t Text):

  eeText <- dyn dWidget

We can collapse these to an Event t Text using switchHold, using never as the inital Event:

  eText  <- switchHold never eeText

and then we proceed as normal:

  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

  el "div" $
    dynText dText

All in one place it looks like this:

dynWidget :: MonadWidget t m 
           => m ()
dynWidget = el "div" $ do
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

  dToggle <- toggle True eSwitch

    eShow1  = ffilter id  . updated $ dToggle
    eShow2  = ffilter not . updated $ dToggle

  -- Builds up a `Dynamic` of widgets that return `Event t Text`:
  dWidget <- holdDyn textWidget . leftmost $ [
      textWidget   <$ eShow1
    , buttonWidget <$ eShow2

  -- Using `dyn` on this gives us an `Event t (Event t Text)`:
  eeText <- dyn dWidget
  -- and we can use `switchHold` to turn that into an `Event t Text`:
  eText  <- switchHold never eeText

  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

  el "div" $
    dynText dText

Using Workflow

We can use a handy piece of functionality to clean this up a little. It might look scary at first glance, but we’ll get used to it pretty quickly.

A Workflow is a newtype used to build a graph of widgets that the user will transition through. It’s the kind of thing you would reach for if you were building a “wizard” in a UI, but it is much more flexible than that.

The newtype wraps a widget that returns a pair, containing the result we are interested in and an Event which will fire with the next piece of the Workflow we want to visit:

newtype Workflow t m a = Workflow { 
    unWorkflow :: m (a, Event t (Workflow t m a))

Once we have that assembled, we can run it with the workflow function:

workflow :: (DomBuilder t m, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m) 
         => Workflow t m a 
         -> m (Dynamic t a)

and it will give us a Dynamic that collects the changing result values as the user interacts with the workflow.

An example will help.

We set up a “Switch button”:

workflowWidget :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
workflowWidget = el "div" $ do
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

and then we start creating pieces of the workflow.

The first piece will lay out the textWidget on the page, and will transition to the second piece of the workflow when “Switch” is pressed:

    wf1 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
    wf1 = Workflow $ do
      eText <- textWidget
      pure (eText, wf2 <$ eSwitch)

The second piece will lay out the tickWidget on the page, and will transition to the first piece of the workflow when “Switch” is pressed:

    wf2 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
    wf2 = Workflow $ do
      eText <- tickWidget
      pure (eText, wf1 <$ eSwitch)

We don’t have to worry about rigging up a toggle Event and keeping everything synchronized, we just set up the graph for the user to navigate.

We start the user on the first piece of the workflow:

  deText <- workflow wf1

which gives us a Dynamic t (Event t Text), and we know what to do with that:

    eText  = switchDyn deText

  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

  el "div"$
    dynText dText

All in one place it looks like:

workflowWidget :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
workflowWidget = el "div" $ do
  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

    -- Setup a piece of a workflow that 
    wf1 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
    wf1 = Workflow $ do
      -- puts a `textWidget on the page`
      eText <- textWidget
      -- and moves to another piece of the workflow when "Switch" is pressed:
      pure (eText, wf2 <$ eSwitch)

    -- Setup a piece of a workflow that 
    wf2 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
    wf2 = Workflow $ do
      -- puts a `tickWidget` on the page
      eText <- tickWidget
      -- and moves to another piece of the workflow when "Switch" is pressed:
      pure (eText, wf1 <$ eSwitch)

  -- Run the workflow and get a hold of the `Dynamic` that collects the results 
  -- of the journey through the workflow
  deText <- workflow wf1

    eText  = switchDyn deText

  dText <- holdDyn "" . leftmost $ [
             , "" <$ eSwitch

  el "div"$
    dynText dText

This gives us the same behavior as we had previously:

We can use this to switch between our various widgets in a cycle:

wf1 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
wf1 = Workflow $ do
  eText <- textWidget
  pure (eText, wf2 <$ eSwitch)

wf2 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
wf2 = Workflow $ do
  eText <- buttonWidget
  pure (eText, wf3 <$ eSwitch)

wf3 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
wf3 = Workflow $ do
  eText <- tickWidget
  pure (eText, wf1 <$ eSwitch)

or we can give each widget it’s own “Next” and “Back” buttons to arrange them more like a traditional wizard:

wf1 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
wf1 = Workflow $ do
  eText <- textWidget
  eNext <- el "div" $ button "Next"
  let eOut = leftmost [eText, "" <$ eNext]
  pure (eOut, wf2 <$ eNext)

wf2 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
wf2 = Workflow $ do
  eText <- buttonWidget
  eBack <- el "div" $ button "Back"
  eNext <- el "div" $ button "Next"
  let eOut = leftmost [eText, "" <$ eBack, "" <$ eNext]
  pure (eOut, leftmost [wf1 <$ eBack, wf3 <$ eNext])

wf3 :: Workflow t m (Event t Text)
wf3 = Workflow $ do
  eText <- tickWidget
  eBack <- el "div" $ button "Back"
  let eOut = leftmost [eText, "" <$ eBack]
  pure (eOut, wf2 <$ eBack)

Playing along at home

If you want to test out your understanding of how switching works, there are exercises coming soon. These exercises build up incrementally as the series progresses, so it would probably best to start the exercises beginning at the start of the series.

Next up

In the next post we’ll look at how we break things up into components in reflex, and the various design tradeoffs that are involved with that.

We’re preparing educational materials about the reflex library, and using it to see what exciting things we can do with FRP.

> Dave Laing

Dave is a programmer working at the Queensland Functional Programming Lab.