Higher order FRP for front-end development

Dave Laing


Virtual DOM

The DOM is a mutable tree with mutable state at the nodes and at the leaves

Working with the DOM directly can be slow

The virtual DOM is a data type that models the DOM, allow with efficient diff and patch operations

That helps with the mutable state

Several frameworks assume the DOM is stateless

This is not true, and causes problems

You have to capture the state and loop it back through your model

React.js can avoid this, with local state captured in components

Either way, you end up with a mutable tree of with mutable state at the nodes and at the leaves

It's just a different tree

Functional Reactive Programming

FRP is great for managing complex state that changes over time

You have first class values that encapsulate state that changes over time

Kind of like a souped-up, ultra-composable observer pattern in a library

Many things have claimed to be FRP libraries over the years

Few have matched the power of the original idea

The original idea had two types of things:

  • Events
  • Behaviors

The original idea had two criteria for implementations to meet:

  • Precise semantics
  • Support for continuous time

The reflex library has:

  • Events
  • Behaviors
  • Dynamics

The reflex library has:

  • Precise semantics
  • Support for discrete time

The precise semantics are what makes the code and reasoning about the code composable

Why Haskell?

The reflex library is written in Haskell, using GHCJS to compile to Javascript ...

... and reflex is the best demonstration of why FRP is great for front-end development

The sodium-typescript library is ready for use now ...

... but it doesn't currently have the bells and whistles we need

(I can also get more code on a slide with Haskell than with Typescript)

We're programmers, and languages are our tools just like libraries are ...

... but some of these tools can take a little getting used to

Just enough Haskell to be dangerous

An aside on types

The type systems feels nothing at all like the type systems from Java / C++

Types are simple tests and documentation that never go out of date

You mostly don't have to write them

They can be inferred most of the time

Show me the code

data Person =
  Person {
    name :: String
  , age :: Int


data Person =
  Person {
    name :: String
  , age :: Int

Person :: String -> Int -> Person


data Person =
  Person {
    name :: String
  , age :: Int

Person :: String -> Int -> Person

name :: Person -> String


data Person =
  Person {
    name :: String
  , age :: Int

Person :: String -> Int -> Person

name :: Person -> String

age :: Person -> Int

data Person =
  Person {
    name :: String
  , age :: Int
happyBirthday :: Person -> Person
happyBirthday (Person name age) = 
  Person name (age + 1)
> happyBirthday (Person "alice" 31)
Person "alice" 32

data Maybe a =
    Just a 
  | Nothing

class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

instance Eq Person where
  (==) (Person n1 a1) (Person n2 a2) =
    n1 == n2 && a1 == a2

instance Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) where
  (==) (Just x1) (Just x2) =
    x1 == x2
  (==) Nothing Nothing =
  (==) _ _ =

class Monoid m where
  mempty :: m
  (<>)   :: m -> m -> m

instance Monoid (Maybe a) where
  mempty = Nothing
  (<>) (Just x) _ = Just x
  (<>) Nothing  y = y

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

instance Functor Maybe where
  fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)
  fmap _ Nothing  = Nothing

class Applicative f where
  pure  :: a -> f a
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

What now?

loadName :: LoadDB String

loadAge :: LoadDB Int

loadPerson :: LoadDB Person
loadPerson = 
  Person <$> loadName <*> loadAge


loadName :: LoadDB String

loadAge :: LoadDB Int

loadPerson :: LoadDB Person
loadPerson = do
  name <- loadName
  age  <- loadAge
  return (Person name age)

parseName :: Parser String

parseAge :: Parser Int

parsePerson :: Parser Person
parsePerson = 
  Person <$> parseName <*> parseAge


parseName :: Parser String

parseAge :: Parser Int
parsePerson :: Parser Person
parsePerson = do
  parseHeader "Person"

  name <- parseName

  age  <- parseAge

  return (Person name age)

renderName :: String -> RenderHtml ()

renderAge :: Int -> RenderHtml ()

div :: RenderHtml a -> RenderHtml a

renderPerson :: Person -> RenderHtml ()
renderPerson (Person name age) =
  div ( do
    label "Name" name 
    label "Age" (show age)

renderName :: String -> RenderHtml ()

renderAge :: Int -> RenderHtml ()

div :: RenderHtml a -> RenderHtml a

renderPerson :: Person -> RenderHtml ()
renderPerson (Person name age) =
  div $ do
    label "Name" name 
    label "Age" (show age)


data Event a


data Event a


[(time, a)] 

eOutput = eInput

instance Functor Event where ...

flipColour :: Colour -> Colour
flipColour Red  = Blue
flipColour Blue = Red
eOutput = flipColour <$> eInput

(<$) :: Functor f => a -> f b -> f a

eOutput = Blue <$ eInput

ffilter :: (a -> Bool) 
        -> Event a 
        -> Event a

isRed :: Colour -> Bool
isRed Red  = True
isRed Blue = False
eOutput = ffilter isRed eInput

eCount :: Event Int

div3 :: Int -> Bool
div3 x = x `mod` 3 == 0
div5 :: Int -> Bool
div5 x = x `mod` 5 == 0

eFizz :: Event Text
eFizz = "Fizz" <$ ffilter div3 eCount
eBuzz :: Event Text
eBuzz = "Buzz" <$ ffilter div5 eCount

eFizz :: Event Text
eFizz = "Fizz" <$ ffilter div3 eCount
eBuzz :: Event Text
eBuzz = "Buzz" <$ ffilter div5 eCount

leftmost :: [Event a] -> Event a

eLeft :: Event Text
eLeft = leftmost [eFizz, eBuzz]

eInput = leftmost [Red <$ eRed, Blue <$ eBlue]

mergeWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> [Event a] -> Event a

eMerge :: Event Text
eMerge = mergeWith (<>) [eFizz, eBuzz]

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Event a) where ...

eMerge :: Event Text
eMerge = eFizz <> eBuzz

eFizzBuzz :: Event Text
eFizzBuzz = leftmost [eFizz <> eBuzz, eCount]

var button = document.getElementById("rx-button");
var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, "click");

var ones = clicks.scan(count => count + 1, 0);

var hundreds = ones.map(function(x) { return x * 100; });

var sum = ones.combineLatest(hundreds, function(o, h) {
    return o + h; 

sum.subscribe(function(s) { alert(s); });

  button <- getElementById "reflex-button"
  eClick <- domEvent Click button

  eOnes <- accum (+) 0 (1 <$ eClick)

  let eHundreds = (* 100) <$> eOnes

  let eSum = mergeWith (+) [eOnes, eHundreds]

  alertEvent show eSum


data Behavior a


data Behavior a


time -> a

hold :: ReflexM m 
     =>             a
     ->       Event a
     -> m (Behavior a)

sampleBlue                = do
  bColour <- hold

sampleBlue                = do
  bColour <- hold Blue

sampleBlue eInput         = do
  bColour <- hold Blue

sampleBlue eInput         = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput

tag :: Behavior a
    -> Event    b
    -> Event    a

sampleBlue eInput         = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput

sampleBlue eInput         = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput

sampleBlue eInput         = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
           tag bColour

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
           tag bColour

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
           tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  return $ tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  return $ tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput

  return $ tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  let eAny = leftmost [                     ]
  return $ tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  let eAny = leftmost [              eSample]
  return $ tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  let eAny = leftmost [      eInput, eSample]
  return $ tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  let eAny = leftmost [() <$ eInput, eSample]
  return $ tag bColour eSample

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  let eAny = leftmost [() <$ eInput, eSample]
  return $ tag bColour eAny

sampleBlue eInput eSample = do
  bColour <- hold Blue eInput
  let eAny = leftmost [() <$ eInput, eSample]
  return $ tag bColour eAny

attach          :: 
                   Behavior a 
                -> Event b 
                -> Event (a, b)

attachWith      :: (a -> b -> c) 
                -> Behavior a
                -> Event b
                -> Event c

attachWithMaybe :: (a -> b -> Maybe c) 
                -> Behavior a
                -> Event b
                -> Event c

gate            :: 
                   Behavior Bool
                -> Event a
                -> Event a


data Dynamic a


data Dynamic a


(Event a, Behavior a) 

updated :: Dynamic a 
        -> Event a

current :: Dynamic a 
        -> Behavior a

This is what lets reflex catch up to the virtual DOM

hold        :: ReflexM m
            -> Event a 
            -> m (Behavior a)

holdDyn     :: ReflexM m
            -> Event a 
            -> m (Dynamic  a)

foldDyn     :: ReflexM m
            => (a -> b -> b) 
            -> b 
            -> Event a 
            -> m (Dynamic  b)

foldDyn ($) :: ReflexM m
            => (a -> b -> b) 
            -> b 
            -> Event a 
            -> m (Dynamic  b)

foldDyn ($) :: ReflexM m
            -> Event (c -> c)
            -> m (Dynamic  c)

counter :: ReflexM m

           m (Dynamic Int)
counter             =


counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()

        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter             =


counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()

        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd        =


counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()

        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd        =
  foldDyn ($) 0

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()

        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd        =
  foldDyn ($) 0                 $
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd        =
  foldDyn ($) 0                 $
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd eClear =
  foldDyn ($) 0                 $
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd eClear =
  foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd eClear =
  foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd
    , const 0 <$ eClear

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter eAdd eClear =
  foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd
    , const 0 <$ eClear

counter :: ReflexM m
           Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter        eAdd eClear = do

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Int
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter        eAdd eClear = do

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Int
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dLimit eAdd eClear = do

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Int
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dLimit eAdd eClear = do
  let dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Int
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dLimit eAdd eClear = do
  let dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAdd
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Int
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dLimit eAdd eClear = do
  let dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Int
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dLimit eAdd eClear = do
  let dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$ eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

limit :: ReflexM m
      => Event () 
      -> Event ()
      -> Event ()
      -> m (Dynamic Int)
limit eStart eAdd eClear = do
  eLoadLimit <- performEvent (loadLimitDb <$ eStart)

  dLimit <- foldDyn ($) 5 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      const   <$> eLoadLimit
    , (+ 1)   <$  eAdd
    , const 0 <$  eClear
  performEvent_ (saveLimitDb <$> update dLimit) 
  return dLimit

data Settings =
  Settings {
    settingLimit :: Int
  , settingStep  :: Int

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Int
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dLimit    eAdd eClear = do
      dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$                      eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Settings
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dLimit    eAdd eClear = do
      dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$                      eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Settings
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dSettings eAdd eClear = do
      dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$                      eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Settings
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dSettings eAdd eClear = do
  let dLimit   = settingsLimit <$> dSettings
      dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$                      eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Settings
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dSettings eAdd eClear = do
  let dLimit   = settingsLimit <$> dSettings
      dStep    = settingsStep  <$> dSettings
      dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+ 1)   <$                      eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Settings
        -> Event ()
        -> Event ()
        -> m (Dynamic Int)
counter dSettings eAdd eClear = do
  let dLimit   = settingsLimit <$> dSettings
      dStep    = settingsStep  <$> dSettings
      dLimitOK = (<) <$> dCount <*> dLimit
      eAddOK   = gate (current dLimitOK) eAdd

  dCount <- foldDyn ($) 0 . mergeWith (.) $ [
      (+  )   <$> tag (current dStep) eAddOK
    , const 0 <$ eClear
  return dCount

counter (Settings <$> dLimit <*> dStep) eAdd eClear

Higher order FRP

Let's have a look at some higher order functions

map   :: (a -> b) 
      -> [a] 
      -> [b]

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) 
      -> b 
      -> [a] 
      -> b

Let's have a look at some higher order FRP

switch        :: 
                 Behavior (Event a)
              ->           Event a

switchPrompty :: ReflexM m 
              =>           Event a
              -> Event    (Event a)
              -> m        (Event a)

switchColour :: ReflexM m

             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour                          = do



switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()

             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour                          = do



switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()

             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1                 = do



switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()

             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1                 = do



switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()

             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2        = do



switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2        = do



switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do



switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  let eOut1 = _

  let eOut2 = _

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- _

  let eOut1 = _

  bOut2 <- _

  let eOut2 = _

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- _

  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- _

  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold _      _

  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold _     _

  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold eInput _

  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold _     _

  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold eInput _

  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold never _

  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold eInput . leftmost $ [
      _      <$ eSwitch1
    , _      <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold never . leftmost $ [
      _      <$ eSwitch1
    , _      <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , _      <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold never . leftmost $ [
      _      <$ eSwitch1
    , _      <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , _      <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , _      <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , _      <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event ()
             -> Event ()
             -> Event Colour
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event () 
             -> Event () 
             -> Event Colour 
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- hold           eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold           never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event () 
             -> Event () 
             -> Event Colour 
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  bOut1 <- switchPromptly eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold           never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event () 
             -> Event () 
             -> Event Colour 
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  eOut1 <- switchPromptly eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut1 = switch bOut1

  bOut2 <- hold           never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event () 
             -> Event () 
             -> Event Colour 
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  eOut1 <- switchPromptly eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2

  bOut2 <- hold           never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event () 
             -> Event () 
             -> Event Colour 
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  eOut1 <- switchPromptly eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2

  bOut2 <- switchPromptly never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event () 
             -> Event () 
             -> Event Colour 
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  eOut1 <- switchPromptly eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2

  eOut2 <- switchPromptly never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2
  let eOut2 = switch bOut2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

switchColour :: ReflexM m
             => Event () 
             -> Event () 
             -> Event Colour 
             -> m (Event Colour, Event Colour)
switchColour eSwitch1 eSwitch2 eInput = do

  eOut1 <- switchPromptly eInput . leftmost $ [
      eInput <$ eSwitch1
    , never  <$ eSwitch2

  eOut2 <- switchPromptly never . leftmost $ [
      never  <$ eSwitch1
    , eInput <$ eSwitch2

  return (eOut1, eOut2)

Working with the DOM

el :: ReflexM m
   => Text 
   -> m a 
   -> m a
text :: ReflexM m
     => Text 
     -> m ()

el "div" $
  text "TODO"

button :: ReflexM m
       => Text 
       -> m (Event ())

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => Text 
         -> m (Event ())
todoItem label =
  el "div" $ do
    el "div" $ 
      text label
    button "Remove"

dynText :: ReflexM m
        => Dynamic Text 
        -> m ()

el "div" $ do

  eRemove <- todoItem "TODO"

  return ()

el "div" $ do

  eRemove <- todoItem "TODO"

  dLabel <- holdDyn "" $ 
    "Removed:" <$ eRemove

  return ()

el "div" $ do
  el "div" $ 
    dynText dLabel

  eRemove <- todoItem "TODO"

  dLabel <- holdDyn "" $ 
    "Removed:" <$ eRemove

  return ()

el "div" $ do
  el "div" $ 
    dynText dLabel

  eRemove <- todoItem "TODO"

  dLabel <- holdDyn "" $ 
    "Removed:" <$ eRemove

  return ()

elAttr    :: ReflexM m
          => Text 
          ->          Map Text Text 
          -> m a 
          -> m a

elDynAttr :: ReflexM m
          => Text 
          -> Dynamic (Map Text Text) 
          -> m a 
          -> m a

elClass    :: ReflexM m
           => Text 
           ->         Text 
           -> m a 
           -> m a

elDynClass :: ReflexM m
           => Text 
           -> Dynamic Text 
           -> m a 
           -> m a

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => Text 
         -> m (Event ())
todoItem placeholder =
  el      "div"             $ do

    el         "div"              $
      text placeholder

    eRemove <- button "Remove"

    return eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => Text 
         -> m (Event ())
todoItem placeholder =
  elClass "div"             $ do

    el         "div"              $
      text placeholder

    eRemove <- button "Remove"

    return eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => Text 
         -> m (Event ())
todoItem placeholder =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do

    el         "div"              $
      text placeholder

    eRemove <- button "Remove"

    return eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => Text 
         -> m (Event ())
todoItem placeholder =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do

    el         "div"              $
      text placeholder

    eRemove <- button "Remove"

    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => Text 
         -> m (Event ())
todoItem placeholder =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do

    elDynClass "div" dRemoveClass $
      text placeholder

    eRemove <- button "Remove"

    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => Text 
         -> m (Event ())
todoItem placeholder =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do

    elDynClass "div" dRemoveClass $
      text placeholder

    eRemove <- button "Remove"

    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return eRemove

data CheckboxConfig = 
  CheckboxConfig { 
      checkboxConfig_setValue   :: Event   Bool
    , checkboxConfig_attributes :: Dynamic (Map Text Text)
instance Default CheckboxConfig where ...

checkbox :: (...) 
         => Bool 
         -> CheckboxConfig
         -> m Checkbox

data Checkbox = 
  Checkbox { 
     checkbox_value  :: Dynamic Bool
   , checkbox_change :: Event   Bool

data TodoItemConfig =
  TodoItemConfig {
    todoItemConfig_dText :: Dynamic Text

data TodoItem =
  TodoItem {
    todoItem_dComplete :: Dynamic Bool
  , todoItem_eRemove   :: Event   ()

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => TodoItemConfig 
         -> m TodoItem
todoItem (TodoItemConfig dText) =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do

    elDynClass "div" dRemoveClass $
      dynText dText

    eRemove <- button "Remove"
    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $ 
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return $ 
      TodoItem           eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => TodoItemConfig 
         -> m TodoItem
todoItem (TodoItemConfig dText) =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do
    cb <- checkbox False def

    elDynClass "div" dRemoveClass $
      dynText dText

    eRemove <- button "Remove"
    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $ 
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return $ 
      TodoItem           eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => TodoItemConfig 
         -> m TodoItem
todoItem (TodoItemConfig dText) =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do
    cb <- checkbox False def
      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

    elDynClass "div" dRemoveClass $
      dynText dText

    eRemove <- button "Remove"
    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $ 
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return $ 
      TodoItem           eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => TodoItemConfig 
         -> m TodoItem
todoItem (TodoItemConfig dText) =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do
    cb <- checkbox False def
      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

    elDynClass "div" dRemoveClass $
      dynText dText

    eRemove <- button "Remove"
    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $ 
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return $ 
      TodoItem dComplete eRemove

todoItem :: ReflexM m
         => TodoItemConfig 
         -> m TodoItem
todoItem (TodoItemConfig dText) =
  elClass "div" "todo-item" $ do
    cb <- checkbox False def
      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

    elDynClass "div" dRemoveClass $
      dynText dText

    eRemove <- button "Remove"
    dRemoveClass <- holdDyn "" $ 
      "removed" <$ eRemove

    return $ 
      TodoItem dComplete eRemove

      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

    elDynClass "div"                    dRemoveClass  $ 
      dynText dText

      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

      mkCompleteClass False = ""
      mkCompleteClass True  = "completed "

    elDynClass "div"                    dRemoveClass  $ 
      dynText dText

      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

      mkCompleteClass False = ""
      mkCompleteClass True  = "completed "

      dCompleteClass = mkCompleteClass <$> dComplete

    elDynClass "div"                    dRemoveClass  $ 
      dynText dText

      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

      mkCompleteClass False = ""
      mkCompleteClass True  = "completed "

      dCompleteClass = mkCompleteClass <$> dComplete

    elDynClass "div" (dCompleteClass <> dRemoveClass) $ 
      dynText dText

      dComplete = cb ^. checkbox_value

      mkCompleteClass False = ""
      mkCompleteClass True  = "completed "

      dCompleteClass = mkCompleteClass <$> dComplete

    elDynClass "div" (dCompleteClass <> dRemoveClass) $ 
      dynText dText

data TextInputConfig = 
  TextInputConfig { 
      textInputConfig_inputType    :: Text
    , textInputConfig_initialValue :: Text
    , textInputConfig_setValue     :: Event  Text
    , textInputConfig_attributes   :: 
        Dynamic (Map Text Text)
instance Default TextInputConfig where ...

textInput :: ReflexM m
          => TextInputConfig
          -> m TextInput

data TextInput = 
  TextInput { 
      textInput_value          :: Dynamic Text
    , textInput_input          :: Event Text
    , textInput_keypress       :: Event Word
    , textInput_keydown        :: Event Word
    , textInput_keyup          :: Event Word
    , textInput_hasFocus       :: Dynamic Bool
    , textInput_builderElement :: 
        InputElement EventResult GhcjsDomSpace

addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $


addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $
    def & textInputConfig_attributes .~
            pure ("placeholder" =: "What shall we do today?")


addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $
    def & textInputConfig_attributes .~
            pure ("placeholder" =: "What shall we do today?")

    bValue   = current $ ti ^. textInput_value


addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $
    def & textInputConfig_attributes .~
            pure ("placeholder" =: "What shall we do today?")

    bValue   = current $ ti ^. textInput_value
    eAtEnter = tag bValue (getKey ti Enter)


addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $
    def & textInputConfig_attributes .~
            pure ("placeholder" =: "What shall we do today?")

    bValue   = current $ ti ^. textInput_value
    eAtEnter = tag bValue (getKey ti Enter)
    eDone    = ffilter (not . Text.null) eAtEnter


addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $
    def & textInputConfig_attributes .~
            pure ("placeholder" =: "What shall we do today?")

    bValue   = current $ ti ^. textInput_value
    eAtEnter = tag bValue (getKey ti Enter)
    eDone    = ffilter (not . Text.null) eAtEnter

  return eDone

addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $
    def & textInputConfig_attributes .~
            pure ("placeholder" =: "What shall we do today?")
        & textInputConfig_setValue .~
            ("" <$ eDone)

    bValue   = current $ ti ^. textInput_value
    eAtEnter = tag bValue (getKey ti Enter)
    eDone    = ffilter (not . Text.null) eAtEnter

  return eDone

addItem :: ReflexM m 
        => m (Event Text)
addItem = do
  ti <- textInput $
    def & textInputConfig_attributes .~
            pure ("placeholder" =: "What shall we do today?")
        & textInputConfig_setValue .~
            ("" <$ eDone)

    bValue   = current $ ti ^. textInput_value
    eAtEnter = tag bValue (getKey ti Enter)
    eDone    = ffilter (not . Text.null) eAtEnter

  return eDone

Switching widgets

You often have a choice between hiding widgets or switching them

textWidget   :: ReflexM m 
             => m (Event Text)
buttonWidget :: ReflexM m 
             => m (Event Text)
tickWidget   :: ReflexM m 
             => m (Event Text)

  eSwitch <- el "div" $
    button "Switch"

  dToggle <- toggle True eSwitch

    dNotToggle = not <$> dToggle

    mkHidden False = "hide"
    mkHidden True  = ""

    dHide1 = mkHidden <$> dToggle
    dHide2 = mkHidden <$> dNotToggle


    mkHidden False = "hide"
    mkHidden True  = ""

    dHide1 = mkHidden <$> dToggle
    dHide2 = mkHidden <$> dNotToggle

  eText1 <- elDynClass "div" dHide1 $

  eText2 <- elDynClass "div" dHide2 $


    mkHidden False = "hide"
    mkHidden True  = ""

    dHide1 = mkHidden <$> dToggle
    dHide2 = mkHidden <$> dNotToggle

  eText1 <- elDynClass "div" dHide1 $

  eText2 <- elDynClass "div" dHide2 $

    eText = leftmost [
        gate (current dToggle   ) eText1
      , gate (current dNotToggle) eText2


    mkHidden False = "hide"
    mkHidden True  = ""

    dHide1 = mkHidden <$> dToggle
    dHide2 = mkHidden <$> dNotToggle

  eText1 <- elDynClass "div" dHide1 $

  eText2 <- elDynClass "div" dHide2 $

    eText = leftmost [
        gate (current dToggle   ) eText1
      , gate (current dNotToggle) eText2
      , "" <$ eSwitch

widgetHold :: ReflexM m
           =>         m          a 
           -> Event  (m          a) 
           ->         m (Dynamic a)

    eToggle = updated     dToggle
    eShow1  = ffilter id  eToggle
    eShow2  = ffilter not eToggle


    eToggle = updated     dToggle
    eShow1  = ffilter id  eToggle
    eShow2  = ffilter not eToggle

  deText <- widgetHold textWidget . leftmost $ [
      textWidget   <$ eShow1
    , buttonWidget <$ eShow2


    eToggle = updated     dToggle
    eShow1  = ffilter id  eToggle
    eShow2  = ffilter not eToggle

  deText <- widgetHold textWidget . leftmost $ [
      textWidget   <$ eShow1
    , buttonWidget <$ eShow2

    eText = 
        switch (current deText)

    eToggle = updated     dToggle
    eShow1  = ffilter id  eToggle
    eShow2  = ffilter not eToggle

  deText <- widgetHold textWidget . leftmost $ [
      textWidget   <$ eShow1
    , buttonWidget <$ eShow2

    eText = leftmost [
        switch (current deText)
      , "" <$ eSwitch

It becomes clearer why you would want this when we replace buttonWidget with tickWidget

With hiding

With widgetHold


  ::    Dynamic (Map k v       )
  ->   (Dynamic        v -> m a) 
  -> m (Dynamic (Map k        a))

There are going to be some common elements in how we approach this

  elClass "div" "todo-list" $ do


  elClass "div" "todo-list" $ do
    eAdd   <- addItem
    dCount <- count eAdd


  elClass "div" "todo-list" $ do
    eAdd   <- addItem
    dCount <- count eAdd

    -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int ?)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves -- ?


  elClass "div" "todo-list" $ do
    eAdd   <- addItem
    dCount <- count eAdd

    -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int ?)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves -- ?

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv -- ?


  elClass "div" "todo-list" $ do
    eAdd   <- addItem
    dCount <- count eAdd

    -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int ?)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves -- ?

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv -- ?

      dAllComplete = fmap and dmCompletes -- ?
      dAnyComplete = fmap or  dmCompletes -- ?


  elClass "div" "todo-list" $ do
    eAdd   <- addItem
    dCount <- count eAdd

    -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int ?)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves -- ?

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv -- ?

      dAllComplete = fmap and dmCompletes -- ?
      dAnyComplete = fmap or  dmCompletes -- ?

    eMarkAllComplete <- markAllComplete dAllComplete
    eClearComplete   <- clearComplete   dAnyComplete


  elClass "div" "todo-list" $ do
    eAdd   <- addItem
    dCount <- count eAdd

    -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int ?)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves -- ?

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv -- ?

      dAllComplete = fmap and dmCompletes -- ?
      dAnyComplete = fmap or  dmCompletes -- ?

    eMarkAllComplete <- markAllComplete dAllComplete
    eClearComplete   <- clearComplete   dAnyComplete

    return ()

There are two ways we can fill in the details

Option 1: Model all the things

data TodoItem =
  TodoItem {
    itemComplete :: Bool
  , itemText     :: Text

todoItem :: ReflexM m 
         => Event Bool 
         -> Event () 
         -> Dynamic TodoItem 
         -> m (Event (TodoItem -> TodoItem), Event ())

todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int TodoItem)


todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int TodoItem)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd'


todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int TodoItem)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd'

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv


todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int TodoItem)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd'

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv

      eChanges = combineEvents fst dmList
      eRemoves = combineEvents snd dmList

todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int TodoItem)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd'
      , updateKeys <$> eChanges
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv

      eChanges = combineEvents fst dmList
      eRemoves = combineEvents snd dmList

todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int TodoItem)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd'
      , updateKeys <$> eChanges
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv

      eChanges = combineEvents fst dmList
      eRemoves = combineEvents snd dmList

      dmCompletes  = fmap itemComplete dModel
      dAllComplete = fmap and          dmCompletes
      dAnyComplete = fmap or           dmCompletes

That's fine if something else in our program needs access to the model

If that's not the case, we're exposing and tracking a lot of state that we're not going to use

Option 2: internalize as much state as we can

todoItem :: ReflexM m 
         => Event Bool 
         -> Event () 
         -> Dynamic Text 
         -> m (Dynamic Bool, Event ())

todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int Text)


todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int Text)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd



todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int Text)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd


    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv


todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int Text)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd


    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv

      dmCompletes = combineDynamic fst dmList
      eRemoves    = combineEvent   snd dmList


todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int Text)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv

      dmCompletes = combineDynamic fst dmList
      eRemoves    = combineEvent   snd dmList


todoList :: ReflexM m 
         => m ()
todoList = 
    ... -- dModel :: Dynamic (Map Int Text)
    dModel <- foldDyn ($) Map.empty . mergeWith (.) $ [
        attachWith Map.insert (current dCount) eAdd
      , removeKeys <$> eRemoves

    dmList <- el "ul" . list dModel $ \dv ->
      todoItem eMarkAllComplete eClearComplete dv

      dmCompletes = combineDynamic fst dmList
      eRemoves    = combineEvent   snd dmList

      dAllComplete = fmap and dmCompletes
      dAnyComplete = fmap or  dmCompletes


Hopefully that gave you a bit of a taste of a flavour of FRP that is a bit closer to the original idea than you might have come across before

The sodium library is worth looking at as well

  • has support for a lot of languages, including typescript
  • Manning has a book on it: "Functional Reactive Programming"
  • doesn't currently have Dynamics or the nice collection management tools etc

Data61 do free 3 day courses on Haskell if you're keen to learn more about that

I'm happy to answer questions or help out with reflex or with sodium, so track me down if you're interested in this stuff