Andrew McCluskey
Applying concepts to a real application
Navigating the ecosystem
Write the code!
Working examples
...BUT you haven't written an application
I want comments on my static blog, but I don't want to deploy a database or use a third party service
Par·ley n.
To have a discussion, especially with an enemy.
Operation | Route |
Add to a topic | /<topic>/add |
View comments for a topic | /<topic>/view |
List topics | /list |
Library | Purpose |
aeson |
JSON encoding |
sqlite-simple |
Talk to SQLite |
sqlite-simple-errors |
Exceptions to values |
optparse-applicative |
Command line parsing |
wai |
Web application interface |
warp |
Web server |
data Comment = Comment CommentId
deriving Show
data Error = NoTopicInRequest
| UnknownRoute
| NoCommentText
| SQLiteError SQLiteResponse
data ContentType = PlainText
render :: ContentType -> ByteString
render PlainText = "text/plain"
render JSON = "text/json"
data ParleyRequest = AddRequest Topic CommentText
| ViewRequest Topic
| ListRequest
newtype Table = Table Text
deriving (Show)
newtype CommentId = CommentId Integer
deriving (Eq, Show, ToJSON)
newtype Port = Port { unPort :: Int16 }
deriving Show
newtype Topic = Topic {getTopic :: Text}
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype CommentText = CommentText {getComment :: Text}
deriving (Eq, Show)
module Parley.Types ( ...
, Topic (getTopic)
, CommentText (getComment)
mkTopic :: Text -> Either Error Topic
mkTopic "" = Left NoTopicInRequest
mkTopic t = pure $ Topic t
mkCommentText :: Text -> Either Error CommentText
mkCommentText "" = Left NoCommentText
mkCommentText t = pure $ CommentText t
module Parley.Types ( ...
, Topic (getTopic)
, CommentText (getComment)
, mkTopic
, mkCommentText
data DbComment =
DbComment { dbCommentId :: Integer
, dbCommentTopic :: Text
, dbCommentBody :: Text
, dbCommentTime :: UTCTime
deriving Show
instance ToJSON Comment where
toJSON (Comment id' topic comment time) =
object [ "id" .= id'
, "topic" .= topic
, "comment" .= comment
, "time" .= time
toEncoding (Comment id' topic comment time) =
pairs ( "id" .= id'
<> "topic" .= topic
<> "comment" .= comment
<> "time" .= time
Web Application Interface: a low level interface between web servers and applications
app :: Request -> IO Response
app :: Request
-> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
-> IO ResponseReceived
app :: ParleyDb
-> Request
-> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
-> IO ResponseReceived
mkRequest :: Request
-> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
handleRequest :: ParleyDb
-> ParleyRequest
-> IO (Either Error Response)
handleError :: Error
-> Response
app :: ParleyDb
-> Request
-> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
-> IO ResponseReceived
app db request cb = do
erq <- mkRequest request
app :: ParleyDb
-> Request
-> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
-> IO ResponseReceived
app db request cb = do
let handleRq (Left e) = pure (Left e)
handleRq (Right r) = handleRequest db r
erq <- mkRequest request
ersp <- handleRq erq
app :: ParleyDb
-> Request
-> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
-> IO ResponseReceived
app db request cb = do
let handleRq (Left e) = pure (Left e)
handleRq (Right r) = handleRequest db r
handleRsp (Left e) = handleError e
handleRsp (Right rsp) = rsp
erq <- mkRequest request
ersp <- handleRq erq
cb (handleRsp ersp)
mkRequest :: Request
-> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
case pathInfo request of
["list"] -> pure (Right ListRequest)
mkRequest :: Request
-> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
case pathInfo request of
[t,"view"] -> pure (mkViewRequest t)
["list"] -> pure (Right ListRequest)
mkRequest :: Request
-> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
case pathInfo request of
[t,"add"] -> fmap (mkAddRequest t)
(strictRequestBody request)
[t,"view"] -> pure (mkViewRequest t)
["list"] -> pure (Right ListRequest)
mkRequest :: Request
-> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
case pathInfo request of
[t,"add"] -> fmap (mkAddRequest t)
(strictRequestBody request)
[t,"view"] -> pure (mkViewRequest t)
["list"] -> pure (Right ListRequest)
_ -> pure (Left UnknownRoute)
handleRequest :: ParleyDb
-> ParleyRequest
-> IO (Either Error Response)
handleRequest db rq =
case rq of
AddRequest t c -> handleAdd db t c
handleRequest :: ParleyDb
-> ParleyRequest
-> IO (Either Error Response)
handleRequest db rq =
case rq of
AddRequest t c -> handleAdd db t c
ViewRequest t -> getComments db t >>= dbJSONResponse
handleRequest :: ParleyDb
-> ParleyRequest
-> IO (Either Error Response)
handleRequest db rq =
case rq of
AddRequest t c -> handleAdd db t c
ViewRequest t -> getComments db t >>= dbJSONResponse
ListRequest -> getTopics db >>= dbJSONResponse
dbJSONResponse :: ToJSON a
=> Either Error a
-> IO (Either Error Response)
dbJSONResponse :: ToJSON a
=> Either Error a
-> IO (Either Error Response)
dbJSONResponse ea =
pure (fmap responseFromJSON ea)
dbJSONResponse :: ToJSON a
=> Either Error a
-> IO (Either Error Response)
dbJSONResponse ea =
let responseFromJSON a =
responseLBS HT.status200
[contentHeader JSON]
(encode a)
in pure (fmap responseFromJSON ea)
handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
case e of
UnknownRoute ->
rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
case e of
NoTopicInRequest ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
UnknownRoute ->
rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
NoCommentText ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"
handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
case e of
NoTopicInRequest ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
UnknownRoute ->
rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
NoCommentText ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"
SQLiteError se ->
rsp HT.status500 (dbError se)
handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
case e of
NoTopicInRequest ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
UnknownRoute ->
rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
NoCommentText ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"
SQLiteError se ->
rsp HT.status500 (dbError se)
dbError se = "Database error: " <> LBS8.pack (show se)
handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
case e of
NoTopicInRequest ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
UnknownRoute ->
rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
NoCommentText ->
rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"
SQLiteError se ->
rsp HT.status500 (dbError se)
rsp s t = responseLBS s [contentHeader PlainText] t
dbError se = "Database error: " <> LBS8.pack (show se)
data Config =
Config { port :: Port
, dbPath :: FilePath
data PartialConfig =
PartialConfig { pcPort :: Last Port
, pcDBPath :: Last FilePath
newtype Last a = Last {getLast :: Maybe a}
instance Monoid (Last a) where
mempty = Last Nothing
l `mappend` Last Nothing = l
_ `mappend` r = r
instance Monoid PartialConfig where
mempty = PartialConfig mempty mempty
mappend a b = mempty { pcPort = pcPort a <> pcPort b
, pcDBPath = pcDBPath a <> pcDBPath b
(defaultConfig <> fileConfig <> commandLineConfig)
parseOptions :: FilePath -> IO (Either ConfigError Config)
parseOptions configFilePath = do
fileConfig <- parseConfigFile configFilePath
commandLineConfig <- parseCommandLine
let pc = (defaultConfig <> fileConfig <> commandLineConfig)
pure (makeConfig pc)
makeConfig :: PartialConfig -> Either ConfigError Config
makeConfig :: PartialConfig -> Either ConfigError Config
makeConfig pc = do
let lastToEither e (Last Nothing) = Left e
lastToEither _ (Last (Just v)) = Right v
makeConfig :: PartialConfig -> Either ConfigError Config
makeConfig pc = do
let lastToEither e (Last Nothing) = Left e
lastToEither _ (Last (Just v)) = Right v
port' <- lastToEither MissingPort (pcPort pc)
dbPath' <- lastToEither MissingDbPath (pcDBPath pc)
pure Config {port = port', dbPath = dbPath'}
partialConfigParser :: Parser PartialConfig
partialConfigParser =
PartialConfig <$> portParser <*> dbParser
parley - simple comment management
Usage: parley [-p|--port PORT] [-d|--database SQLITE_FILE]
Manage comments for a web blog
Available options:
-p,--port PORT TCP port to accept requests on
-d,--database SQLITE_FILE
Path to sqlite database
-h,--help Show this help text
execParser :: Parser a -> IO a
dbParser :: Parser (Last FilePath)
dbParser =
optional strOption
dbParser :: Parser (Last FilePath)
dbParser =
Last <$> optional strOption
dbParser :: Parser (Last FilePath)
dbParser =
let mods = long "database"
<> short 'd'
<> metavar "SQLITE_FILE"
<> help "Path to sqlite database"
in Last <$> optional (strOption mods)
portParser :: Parser (Last Port)
portParser =
let mods = long "port"
<> short 'p'
<> metavar "PORT"
<> help "TCP port to accept requests on"
portReader = eitherReader (fmap Port . readEither)
in Last <$> optional (option portReader mods)
option portReader
readEither :: Read a => String -> Either String a
portReader = eitherReader (fmap Port . readEither)
option portReader
execParser :: Parser a -> IO a
execParser :: ParserInfo a -> IO a
commandLineParser :: ParserInfo PartialConfig
commandLineParser =
info partialConfigParser
commandLineParser :: ParserInfo PartialConfig
commandLineParser =
info (helper <*> partialConfigParser)
commandLineParser :: ParserInfo PartialConfig
commandLineParser =
let mods = fullDesc
<> progDesc "Manage comments for a web blog"
<> header "parley - simple comment management"
in info (helper <*> partialConfigParser) mods
type DatabaseResponse a = Either SQLiteResponse a
runDBAction :: IO a -> IO (DatabaseResponse a)
data ParleyDb = ParleyDb Connection Table
newtype Query = Query {fromQuery Text}
query :: (ToRow q, FromRow r)
=> Connection -> Query -> q -> IO [r]
execute :: ToRow q
=> Connection -> Query -> q -> IO ()
newtype Only a = Only {fromOnly :: a}
initDB :: FilePath
-> Table
-> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)
initDB :: FilePath
-> Table
-> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)
initDB dbPath t@(Table tbl) = runDBAction $ do
initDB :: FilePath
-> Table
-> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)
initDB dbPath t@(Table tbl) = runDBAction $ do
conn <- open dbPath
pure (ParleyDb conn t)
initDB :: FilePath
-> Table
-> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)
initDB dbPath t@(Table tbl) = runDBAction $ do
let createQ =
<> " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, topic TEXT,"
<> " comment TEXT, time INTEGER)")
conn <- open dbPath
execute_ conn createQ
pure (ParleyDb conn t)
dbToParley ::
IO [a]
dbToParley ::
IO [a]
-> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
-> IO [a]
-> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
-> IO [a]
-> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley f a = do
result <- runDBAction a
dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
-> IO [a]
-> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley f a = do
result <- runDBAction a
case result of
Left e -> (pure . Left . SQLiteError) e
dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
-> IO [a]
-> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley f a = do
result <- runDBAction a
case result of
Left e -> (pure . Left . SQLiteError) e
Right as -> (pure . Right . rights . fmap f) as
getComments :: ParleyDb
-> Topic
-> IO (Either Error [Comment])
getComments :: ParleyDb
-> Topic
-> IO (Either Error [Comment])
getComments (ParleyDb conn _) t =
let q = "SELECT id, topic, comment, time "
<> "FROM comments WHERE topic = ?"
p = Only (getTopic t)
getComments :: ParleyDb
-> Topic
-> IO (Either Error [Comment])
getComments (ParleyDb conn _) t =
let q = "SELECT id, topic, comment, time "
<> "FROM comments WHERE topic = ?"
p = Only (getTopic t)
result = query conn q p
getComments :: ParleyDb
-> Topic
-> IO (Either Error [Comment])
getComments (ParleyDb conn _) t =
let q = "SELECT id, topic, comment, time "
<> "FROM comments WHERE topic = ?"
p = Only (getTopic t)
result = query conn q p
in dbToParley fromDbComment result
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