Your first Haskell app

Andrew McCluskey



Getting started can be intimidating

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Working examples

Assumed knowledge


...BUT you haven't written an application



I want comments on my static blog, but I don't want to deploy a database or use a third party service

Par·ley n.

To have a discussion, especially with an enemy.


Operation Route
Add to a topic /<topic>/add
View comments for a topic /<topic>/view
List topics /list



Library Purpose
aeson JSON encoding
sqlite-simple Talk to SQLite
sqlite-simple-errors Exceptions to values
optparse-applicative Command line parsing
wai Web application interface
warp Web server




Model the domain with data

Model actions as data

Error values over exceptions

Loose types and IO at the edges


Model the domain

data Comment = Comment CommentId
               deriving Show

data Error = NoTopicInRequest
           | UnknownRoute
           | NoCommentText
           | SQLiteError SQLiteResponse

data ContentType = PlainText
                 | JSON

render :: ContentType -> ByteString
render PlainText = "text/plain"
render JSON      = "text/json"

Actions as data

data ParleyRequest = AddRequest Topic CommentText
                   | ViewRequest Topic
                   | ListRequest


  • Zero cost abstraction
  • Call out semantics
  • Compiler errors

newtype Table = Table Text
                deriving (Show)

newtype CommentId = CommentId Integer
                    deriving (Eq, Show, ToJSON)

newtype Port = Port { unPort :: Int16 }
               deriving Show

Smart constructors

newtype Topic = Topic {getTopic :: Text}
                deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype CommentText = CommentText {getComment :: Text}
                      deriving (Eq, Show)

module Parley.Types ( ...
                    , Topic (getTopic)
                    , CommentText (getComment)

mkTopic :: Text -> Either Error Topic
mkTopic "" = Left NoTopicInRequest
mkTopic t  = pure $ Topic t

mkCommentText :: Text -> Either Error CommentText
mkCommentText "" = Left NoCommentText
mkCommentText t  = pure $ CommentText t

module Parley.Types ( ...
                    , Topic (getTopic)
                    , CommentText (getComment)
                    , mkTopic
                    , mkCommentText

Untyped at the border

data DbComment =
  DbComment { dbCommentId    :: Integer
            , dbCommentTopic :: Text
            , dbCommentBody  :: Text
            , dbCommentTime  :: UTCTime
            deriving Show


instance ToJSON Comment where
  toJSON (Comment id' topic comment time) =
    object [ "id" .= id'
           , "topic" .= topic
           , "comment" .= comment
           , "time" .= time

  toEncoding (Comment id' topic comment time) =
    pairs (  "id" .= id'
          <> "topic" .= topic
          <> "comment" .= comment
          <> "time" .= time



Web Application Interface: a low level interface between web servers and applications

app :: Request -> IO Response

app :: Request
    -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
    -> IO ResponseReceived

app :: ParleyDb
    -> Request
    -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
    -> IO ResponseReceived

mkRequest :: Request
          -> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)

handleRequest :: ParleyDb
              -> ParleyRequest
              -> IO (Either Error Response)

handleError :: Error
            -> Response

app :: ParleyDb
    -> Request
    -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
    -> IO ResponseReceived
app db request cb = do

  erq <- mkRequest request

app :: ParleyDb
    -> Request
    -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
    -> IO ResponseReceived
app db request cb = do
  let handleRq (Left e) = pure (Left e)
      handleRq (Right r) = handleRequest db r


  erq <- mkRequest request
  ersp <- handleRq erq

app :: ParleyDb
    -> Request
    -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived)
    -> IO ResponseReceived
app db request cb = do
  let handleRq (Left e) = pure (Left e)
      handleRq (Right r) = handleRequest db r

      handleRsp (Left e) = handleError e
      handleRsp (Right rsp) = rsp

  erq <- mkRequest request
  ersp <- handleRq erq
  cb (handleRsp ersp)


mkRequest :: Request
          -> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
  case pathInfo request of

    ["list"]   -> pure (Right ListRequest)

mkRequest :: Request
          -> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
  case pathInfo request of

    [t,"view"] -> pure (mkViewRequest t)
    ["list"]   -> pure (Right ListRequest)

mkRequest :: Request
          -> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
  case pathInfo request of
    [t,"add"]  -> fmap (mkAddRequest t)
                       (strictRequestBody request)
    [t,"view"] -> pure (mkViewRequest t)
    ["list"]   -> pure (Right ListRequest)

mkRequest :: Request
          -> IO (Either Error ParleyRequest)
mkRequest request =
  case pathInfo request of
    [t,"add"]  -> fmap (mkAddRequest t)
                       (strictRequestBody request)
    [t,"view"] -> pure (mkViewRequest t)
    ["list"]   -> pure (Right ListRequest)
    _          -> pure (Left UnknownRoute)

Request -> Response

handleRequest :: ParleyDb
              -> ParleyRequest
              -> IO (Either Error Response)
handleRequest db rq =
  case rq of
    AddRequest t c -> handleAdd db t c

handleRequest :: ParleyDb
              -> ParleyRequest
              -> IO (Either Error Response)
handleRequest db rq =
  case rq of
    AddRequest t c -> handleAdd db t c
    ViewRequest t  -> getComments db t >>= dbJSONResponse

handleRequest :: ParleyDb
              -> ParleyRequest
              -> IO (Either Error Response)
handleRequest db rq =
  case rq of
    AddRequest t c -> handleAdd db t c
    ViewRequest t  -> getComments db t >>= dbJSONResponse
    ListRequest    -> getTopics db >>= dbJSONResponse

dbJSONResponse :: ToJSON a
               => Either Error a
               -> IO (Either Error Response)

dbJSONResponse :: ToJSON a
               => Either Error a
               -> IO (Either Error Response)
dbJSONResponse ea =
      pure (fmap responseFromJSON ea)

dbJSONResponse :: ToJSON a
               => Either Error a
               -> IO (Either Error Response)
dbJSONResponse ea =
  let responseFromJSON a =
        responseLBS HT.status200
                    [contentHeader JSON]
                    (encode a)
   in pure (fmap responseFromJSON ea)

Error -> Response

handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
  case e of
    UnknownRoute ->
      rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("

handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
  case e of
    NoTopicInRequest ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
    UnknownRoute ->
      rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
    NoCommentText ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"

handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
  case e of
    NoTopicInRequest ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
    UnknownRoute ->
      rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
    NoCommentText ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"
    SQLiteError se ->
      rsp HT.status500 (dbError se)

handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
  case e of
    NoTopicInRequest ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
    UnknownRoute ->
      rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
    NoCommentText ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"
    SQLiteError se ->
      rsp HT.status500 (dbError se)
    dbError se = "Database error: " <> LBS8.pack (show se)

handleError :: Error -> Response
handleError e =
  case e of
    NoTopicInRequest ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty topics not allowed"
    UnknownRoute ->
      rsp HT.status404 "Not found :("
    NoCommentText ->
      rsp HT.status400 "Empty body text not allowed"
    SQLiteError se ->
      rsp HT.status500 (dbError se)
    rsp s t = responseLBS s [contentHeader PlainText] t
    dbError se = "Database error: " <> LBS8.pack (show se)


partial options post

data Config =
  Config { port   :: Port
         , dbPath :: FilePath

data PartialConfig =
  PartialConfig { pcPort   :: Last Port
                , pcDBPath :: Last FilePath

newtype Last a = Last {getLast :: Maybe a}

instance Monoid (Last a) where
  mempty = Last Nothing
  l `mappend` Last Nothing = l
  _ `mappend` r            = r

instance Monoid PartialConfig where
  mempty = PartialConfig mempty mempty
  mappend a b = mempty { pcPort = pcPort a <> pcPort b
                       , pcDBPath = pcDBPath a <> pcDBPath b

           (defaultConfig <> fileConfig <> commandLineConfig)

parseOptions :: FilePath -> IO (Either ConfigError Config)
parseOptions configFilePath = do
  fileConfig <- parseConfigFile configFilePath
  commandLineConfig <- parseCommandLine
  let pc = (defaultConfig <> fileConfig <> commandLineConfig)
  pure (makeConfig pc)

makeConfig :: PartialConfig -> Either ConfigError Config


makeConfig :: PartialConfig -> Either ConfigError Config
makeConfig pc = do
  let lastToEither e (Last Nothing) = Left e
      lastToEither _ (Last (Just v)) = Right v

makeConfig :: PartialConfig -> Either ConfigError Config
makeConfig pc = do
  let lastToEither e (Last Nothing) = Left e
      lastToEither _ (Last (Just v)) = Right v
  port' <- lastToEither MissingPort (pcPort pc)
  dbPath' <- lastToEither MissingDbPath (pcDBPath pc)
  pure Config {port = port', dbPath = dbPath'}



partialConfigParser :: Parser PartialConfig
partialConfigParser =
  PartialConfig <$> portParser <*> dbParser

parley - simple comment management

Usage: parley [-p|--port PORT] [-d|--database SQLITE_FILE]
  Manage comments for a web blog

Available options:
  -p,--port PORT           TCP port to accept requests on
  -d,--database SQLITE_FILE
                           Path to sqlite database
  -h,--help                Show this help text

execParser :: Parser a -> IO a

dbParser :: Parser (Last FilePath)
dbParser =
               optional  strOption

dbParser :: Parser (Last FilePath)
dbParser =
      Last <$> optional  strOption

dbParser :: Parser (Last FilePath)
dbParser =
  let mods =  long "database"
           <> short 'd'
           <> metavar "SQLITE_FILE"
           <> help "Path to sqlite database"
   in Last <$> optional (strOption mods)

portParser :: Parser (Last Port)
portParser =
  let mods =  long "port"
           <> short 'p'
           <> metavar "PORT"
           <> help "TCP port to accept requests on"
      portReader = eitherReader (fmap Port . readEither)
   in Last <$> optional (option portReader mods)

                         option portReader

readEither :: Read a => String -> Either String a
      portReader = eitherReader (fmap Port . readEither)
                         option portReader

execParser :: Parser a -> IO a

execParser :: ParserInfo a -> IO a

commandLineParser :: ParserInfo PartialConfig
commandLineParser =
      info             partialConfigParser

commandLineParser :: ParserInfo PartialConfig
commandLineParser =
      info (helper <*> partialConfigParser)

commandLineParser :: ParserInfo PartialConfig
commandLineParser =
  let mods =  fullDesc
           <> progDesc "Manage comments for a web blog"
           <> header "parley - simple comment management"
   in info (helper <*> partialConfigParser) mods



type DatabaseResponse a = Either SQLiteResponse a

runDBAction :: IO a -> IO (DatabaseResponse a)


data ParleyDb = ParleyDb Connection Table


newtype Query = Query {fromQuery Text}

query :: (ToRow q, FromRow r)
      => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO [r]

execute :: ToRow q
        => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO ()


newtype Only a = Only {fromOnly :: a}


initDB :: FilePath
       -> Table
       -> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)


initDB :: FilePath
       -> Table
       -> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)
initDB dbPath t@(Table tbl) = runDBAction $ do



initDB :: FilePath
       -> Table
       -> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)
initDB dbPath t@(Table tbl) = runDBAction $ do

  conn <- open dbPath

  pure (ParleyDb conn t)

initDB :: FilePath
       -> Table
       -> IO (Either SQLiteResponse ParleyDb)
initDB dbPath t@(Table tbl) = runDBAction $ do
  let createQ =
        Query ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " <> tbl
            <> " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, topic TEXT,"
            <> "  comment TEXT, time INTEGER)")
  conn <- open dbPath
  execute_ conn createQ
  pure (ParleyDb conn t)


dbToParley ::
              IO [a]

dbToParley ::
              IO [a]
           -> IO (Either Error [b])

dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
           -> IO [a]
           -> IO (Either Error [b])

dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
           -> IO [a]
           -> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley f a = do
  result <- runDBAction a

dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
           -> IO [a]
           -> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley f a = do
  result <- runDBAction a
  case result of
    Left e   -> (pure . Left . SQLiteError) e

dbToParley :: (a -> Either Error b)
           -> IO [a]
           -> IO (Either Error [b])
dbToParley f a = do
  result <- runDBAction a
  case result of
    Left e   -> (pure . Left . SQLiteError) e
    Right as -> (pure . Right . rights . fmap f) as


getComments :: ParleyDb
            -> Topic
            -> IO (Either Error [Comment])

getComments :: ParleyDb
            -> Topic
            -> IO (Either Error [Comment])
getComments (ParleyDb conn _) t =
  let q =  "SELECT id, topic, comment, time "
        <> "FROM comments WHERE topic = ?"
      p = Only (getTopic t)

getComments :: ParleyDb
            -> Topic
            -> IO (Either Error [Comment])
getComments (ParleyDb conn _) t =
  let q =  "SELECT id, topic, comment, time "
        <> "FROM comments WHERE topic = ?"
      p = Only (getTopic t)
      result = query conn q p

getComments :: ParleyDb
            -> Topic
            -> IO (Either Error [Comment])
getComments (ParleyDb conn _) t =
  let q =  "SELECT id, topic, comment, time "
        <> "FROM comments WHERE topic = ?"
      p = Only (getTopic t)
      result = query conn q p
   in dbToParley fromDbComment result


You can use Haskell to write a web app

You can use Haskell to write almost anything

You don't need to learn all of Haskell's abstractions to write an app or get big benefits



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